I LOVE YOU MY SON! YOU ARE SO LOVED!!! She shouts at the grave, As dirt is piled on top of it. A sister cries- I miss him. I MISS HIM!!! The mothers strokes her daughters back as she herself doesn’t know what to do, to say, to be. Her child. Her baby. 3 days before riding bikes, saying the Kiddush Friday night and the Havdalah blessing. Not knowing what will be. A sister- across the country. Not there with her family as she loses a brother. A sisters eyes swollen with tears as she looks at the people surrounding her, comforting her.
"Hamakom Yinachem Etchem Bitoch Sharei Tzion Viyerushalayim."
6 feet under. The body. The soul gone to its maker in heaven. The soul in a better place, A place of truth. While the body is no longer living, the family surrounds it. Shocked. Speechless. Shirts tarred from mourning. the passing of their brother who was just alive. Just living The day before. Breathing, moving, soul and body tied together in this world. The brother knows no more pain. No more physicality. Only the family does. They live the rest of their lives with a brother, a son not physically there. Not there to hold, to hug, to kiss. To laugh with. To talk with. - Sitting on the beach thinking about the place we were just at. Thinking where we came from. Putting my hands in the sand. Feeling the tiny salt like pebbles. The sand in my fisted hands, while it escapes between my fingers The sand is life. The sand is an hourglass. How much longer do we have here on earth. We don’t know. We can’t see the whole- the end. We don’t know when we’ve completed our mission. We don’t know when our last breath will be. In a second, A minute. An hour, A day, a week, a month, a year? Years? How much longer do we have? What else do we need to do before we are no longer in a physical body. How much longer do we have before our soul goes back to its maker. Till the sand finishes escaping our fingers and there’s no more left in our hands? Live your life as if every second is your last one. What will you do now? For you- for your family, for random people you don’t even know, For Gd? What will you do for Gd? The one who put you here? - A father says the Kaddish blessing for his son for the first time. His son. The one that carries his name. His family name. The name of generations, Bringing his soul to a higher level in heaven.
No, I did not know the man who passed on, No I did not know the father.
His mother was my 2nd grade teacher and sisters my friends.
But I felt a deeper connection. A spiritual connection. He was MY brother too. Living the same Torah life. Living to serve the same creator- Our father in heaven. Tears fall from my eyes too. His soul is connected to mine. We are family. Not physically family, but from the same Gd. From the same father in heaven.
From the same religion. My soul hurt to see his body buried. No longer able to be with his family or friends.
How much longer do we have with the people we love. With the people we hate? Why hate when you can love everyone as your brother, as your sister? We’re all one. Unity. Family. Community. ACHDUT-